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Coyote Brush
Baccharis pilularis
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Coyote Brush has both male and female flowers, but they grow on different bushes. The female flowers are white and fluffy, and look like little brushes. The male flowers are white and yellow.

Photos 6-20 are bushes with female flowers.

Photos 21-34 are bushes with male flowers.

Coyote Brush leaves usually remain green. It's likely that these branches were broken off from the main plant.

Late in the fall of 2018, many of the Coyote Brush bushes on the south side of Tilley Hill were turning brown. I'm not sure if it's due to extra-dry conditions or something else.

A close-up of the dried Coyote Brush leaves.

By mid-December, this same bush had lost most all of its leaves.

A Coyote Brush stem with a gall. You can see more photos of these galls here.

All Images Copyright 2010 - 2018
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