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Bird's-eye Gilia

Blue Toadflax


Blue-eyed Grass

California Bee Plant

Chaparral Broomrape

Chaparral Nightshade


Chinese Houses

Clustered Clover

Common Garden Pea

Common Lippia

Common Pacific Pea

Common Sandweed

Coyote Mint

Cutleaf Geranium

Danny's Skullcap

Dove's-foot Geranium

Downy Pincushion Plant

Elegant Clarkia

Few-flowered Clover

Few-flowered Collinsia

Forked Ookow

Four-spot Clarkia

Ground Iris

Harvest Brodiaea

Heartleaf Milkweed

Henbit Deadnettle

Hyssop Loosestrife

Italian Thistle

Jim Brush

Leafy Fleabane

Little Robin


Miniature Lupine

Pacific Hound's Tongue


Purple Owl's Clover

Purple Salsify

Purple Sanicle

Red Sandspurry


Redstem Filaree

Rigid Hedgenettle

Royal Larkspur

San Luis Purple Sage

Shooting Stars

Short-fruited Filaree

Sky Lupine

Slender Clarkia

Slender Phlox

Spring Vetch

Tall Annual Willowherb

Tall Stephanomeria

Tomcat Clover

Tree Clover

Twining Snapdragon

Variable Linanthus

Venus' Looking-glass



White Sage

Whitestem Filaree

Whitetip Clover

Winecup Clarkia

Winter Vetch

Zigzag Larkspur

  All Images Copyright 2010 - 2018
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