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Woolly Indian Paintbrush
Castilleja foliolosa
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Woolly Indian Paintbrush is hemiparasitic, meaning its roots attach to the roots of other plants for water and nutrients, but they can also use photosynthesis. The plant parasitzes other chaparral plants such as chamise and sagebrush.

Found this interesting anomaly on a plant in March 2019.

Close-up of the anomaly.

A couple of days later, I found another one.

The best I could come up with--and with some advice from fellow naturalists--is that caterpillars like the one here had eaten off the top of a flower before could bloom.

Woolly Indian Paintbrush is a host plant for checkerspot butterflies. Here is a good look at a Variable Checkerspot larva (caterpillar). To see more photos of these caterpillars, click here.

All Images Copyright 2010 - 2018
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